Types of Application Security Testing Procedures

1. Static Application Security Testing (SAST)

SAST is a type of application security testing that evaluates the source code for security issues without actually running the application. This type of testing typically requires developers to integrate their source code into an automated testing platform or manually upload it for evaluation.

2. Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)

DAST, also known as black-box testing, is a type of application security testing that assesses the security of an application by interacting with it during runtime. Unlike SAST, DAST does not require source code access, and instead focuses on analyzing the behavior of the application while it is being used.

3. Network Vulnerability Assessments (NVA)

An NVA is a type of application security testing that focuses on evaluating the security posture of an application by analyzing its network configuration and any vulnerabilities that may exist within it. NVAs typically utilize automated scanning tools to scan for any known vulnerabilities and can be used to identify any potential threats.

4. Database Vulnerability Assessments (DVA)

A DVA is a type of application security testing that focuses on analyzing and assessing the security of a database. These assessments typically include identifying any existing vulnerabilities, analyzing the structure of the database for weak spots, and determining if there are any unauthorized users or activities occurring on the system.

5. Interactive Code Analysis

Application Security Testing

Interactive code analysis is a type of AST that is based on a manual inspection by security analysts. This type of AST requires an experienced security analyst to manually inspect the source code looking for any potential security vulnerabilities. It can be used both before and after deployment to ensure that there are no potential security issues with the system.  

6. Pen Testing

Penetration testing, also known as pen testing, is a type of application security testing that focuses on evaluating the security posture of an application by attempting to exploit any weaknesses or vulnerabilities within it. During a pen test, testers will use manual and automated methods to find any security flaws that may exist.

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