Some Common Node.js Performance Challenges

Performance-related issues are bound to happen regardless of the brilliance of the tools you use. And working with Node.js is no exception.  Here are a few challenges your team might encounter while building an application with Node.js:

Code Debt

To keep up with the  fast-paced working environment, teams  tend to prioritize  quantity over quality.  But in such cases, developers often end up making more efforts in the code maintenance or redevelopment process.

Lack of clear guidelines

Node.js offers a lot of flexibility in building a complex application. But this flexibility can also create problems when the development team is significantly large.

Planning a development approach with clear guidelines always helps keep the team on track.

A lack of comprehensive documentation about the framework and its application can create communication gaps in the team.

Insufficient Documentation

A well-structured, documented project gives team members the necessary information about their tasks and how they can proceed in the project.

Irregular Process Monitoring

Chief decision-makers and technical officers have the responsibility of monitoring the application process.

Lack of timely application monitoring can lead to an increased development cost and even take more time to maintain the code post-production.

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