Advanced Features To Make Your Dating App Successful

User Profile

By assisting your users in creating profiles that are more intriguing and original in a way that allows their unique personalities to stand out, your dating app can go even farther.


The process begins with any possible random match, even one that is empty. Following that, it builds a tree using a breadth-first search to locate an augmenting path.

Social Media Integration

Your dating app would benefit from integrating with well-known social media networks like Facebook and Instagram in order to make user profiles seem more genuine and real.

Push  Notifications

User retention is greatly influenced by push notifications. These are some of the most important dating app features for luring users back to your app and keeping them there as well as notifying them when they get a message from a prospective match.


Crown developed a gamification feature where users receive a condensed selection of carefully handpicked matches every day at noon to address the issue of swipe fatigue.

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