Best Android Libraries To Reduce Your App Development Time

1. LiveData

When the underlying data changes, LiveData directly notifies Observer objects. So that you can consolidate your code to update the UI in these Observer objects.

2. ViewModel

To store and manage UI-related data according to  the lifecycle, the ViewModel library is utilized. Data can survive configuration changes like screen rotations, thanks to the ViewModel class.

3. DataBinding

This support library that lets you use a declarative style instead of programming to connect UI components in your layouts to data sources in your apps.

4. Pager2

Viewpager2 is an enhanced version of Viewpager. Recyclerview is the essential feature of Viewpager2, which is not available in the first version of Viewpager.

5. Navigation

Only by using Navigation Library, it is easier to create navigation in your Android app. However, it only works with an app that offers a proper API regardless of the destination implementation.

6. WorkManager

It is designed for tasks that require the system to run them even if the app is closed. This Android library runs deferrable background work whenever the work’s constraints meet all the requirements.

7. MyLittleCanva

MyLittleCanvas library was to facilitate work with canvas on Android, but instead of methods, you can make use of objects now.

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