This is how Google will overpower ChatGPT

If you've been following the Google IO event, you know that AI is the beginning and the end of everything since Google is one of the world's most technologically sophisticated AI firms.

If you've been following the Google IO event, you know that AI is the beginning and the end of everything since Google is one of the world's most technologically sophisticated AI firms. And one of the key reasons Google will continue to hold the top spot is rather intriguing. 

Google is, as we all know, the internet's index. It has the most powerful crawler, which indexes all new online information immediately. The superpowerChatGPT language model, on the other hand, only contains data until 2021. 

The problem is the unawareness of current events. For instance, ChatGPt does not have information about the iPhone 14 or the most recent China Covid pandemic.  Google, on the other hand, can train nearly in real-time on everything happening thanks to its internet index, making AI more potent and applicable.

And another massive advantage is pricing. Since Google is an ad company, Its mission is to encourage more people to use its products for free to generate revenue through advertisements. Therefore, while ChatGPT has already started its subscription service at $20 per month, Bard would be free to use.

So now what will you use? Bard, which is likely to be free, or ChatGPT, which charges around 20 dollars.

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