Best UI/UX Design Tips for Your Website

The Colors You Choose Say More Than Word

Colors are powerful tools, and they can have a huge impact on how your site is perceived. Using contrasting colors in your web design attracts attention, but it’s important to use only colors that complement each other.

The Importance of Typography

Typography is not just about choosing a typeface and sticking with it. Rather, for many developers, it can be one of the most important UI/UX design tips. True typographic expertise involves choosing a typeface and then adjusting it to fit your message. 

Using Pictures Where Words Fall Short

Words may be a business’s first form of communication, but sometimes your message is better communicated with pictures. Think about all those beautiful photos you see in travel brochures and advertisements: they effectively sell an experience.

Creating Buttons That Stand Out and Work Well

Your button should be big and attention-grabbing, but not so big that it’s distracting. It should be placed in a place where people can easily see it but also where it won’t get lost in your content.  For example, you may want to put your Buy Now button at the top of a product page to encourage users to make a purchase without having to read through much of your content.

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